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So, hyd?

The new internet slang can make it difficult for English learners to talk to natives online, so I'm here to give you some tips and teach you how to use it! So, let's roll bro! (That means "Let's go, friend")


He's so salty lately...

Hello Angels! For today we’ll talk about the slang word that's taken over Instagram "Salty"


When someone is salty over a situation, it means they are upset, angry, or bitter as a result of being made fun of or embarrassed. Also a characteristic of a person who feels out of place or is feeling attacked.


For Example:

He's salty because they made fun of his hair this morning.

A person feeling salty would make angry comments and be difficult to be around. So, remember to be a good sport and not take jokes too seriously or you'll be called salty by you're friends.

Thanks for reading Angels! I hope you enjoyed today’s post. See you!

Let's spill some tea!

Hello Angels! For today we’ll talk about the slang word that's all over Youtube "Spill the Tea"


No, we're not talking about accidentally knocking over your teacup and spilling your delicious green tea all over the table. We're talking about the latest gossip going around!


For Example:

What happened at Jessica’s birthday party? Come on, spill the tea!

When you ask someone to "spill the tea" you're asking to hear the latest gossip about an event or person/celebrity. It's a very fun way to ask your friends to gossip around and have some fun talking.

Thanks for reading Angels! I hope you enjoyed today’s post. See you!

Girl, you so extra!

Hello Angels! For today we’ll talk about a recent slang word "Extra"?


You might have heard this word used to describe something added to an existing or usual amount or number. Like an additional item.


For Example:

They offered him an extra thirty-five cents an hour.

But, today I'll teach how to use the word "extra" to describe someone that is “extra”. To describe some as "extra" means they are unnecessarily dramatic, excessive, over the top, or a “drama queen”.!

For example, if you have a friend that decided to give a birthday party and invite the entire school/company just to sing happy birthday to him. Honestly, nobody needs a party that big!

He invited the entire school to her birthday. He’s so extra!

Next time you see you're friend being over dramatic because there are too many olives in this pizza to tell him to "Chill out and be a little less extra!" ;) Thanks for reading Angels! I hope you enjoyed today’s post. See you!


Hello Angels! For today we’ll talk about a text abbreviation Wyd?


Sometimes text messages and social media posts have a limited number o characters per message. For example, Twitter has a limit of only 280 characters per post so you must save a few letters if you want to send a long message.


For today’s abbreviation, we have wyd? That is short for What are you doing? Only the first letter of each word is used to save time when writing. This question is so common that any native English speaker can understand what they mean. And now so do you!

For example, you can send a message to your friend and ask "wyd?" and if they are free maybe you two can hang out!

Next time you text you’re friends save time and show off a little by using this abbreviation ;) Thanks for reading my post today Angels! I hope you enjoyed today’s post. See you!

Chill out, bro!

Hello Angels! This is Tamara, coming to you from Tokyo and this is my first post on American slang words. I’ll teach you not only slang but abbreviations used in texting or social media posts as well!


For today we have the word “chill out” To “chill out” means to relax. Sometimes you can say only the word “chill” in a more casual conversation. Let’s take a look at some examples.


Example 1: “Hey Sara, what are you doing tonight?” “Nothing really, I’m just going to chill (out) and watch Netflix.


Example 2: “Tom, what did you do this weekend?” “Not much. I just chilled (out).”

But if someone asks you to “chill out” is not always positive. It means they think you’re overreacting to a situation or getting stressed for nothing.


For example: “You need to chill out and stop thinking too much! I’m sure it will be fine!” Thanks for reading my post today Angels! I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Have a wonderful day and a chill weekend ;)

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